Saturday, July 27, 2013

Donna- The Communicator
July 27, 2013

How do I evaluate myself as a communicator compared to how others perceive me as a communicator?

After taking the Communication Anxiety Inventory, Verbal Aggressive Scale & the Listening Styles Profile and comparing them to how others evaluated me, I was surprised about a few things.

My personal scores indicated I am  "People-oriented" and show empathy and concern for others. My verbal aggressiveness falls in the moderate range, indicating a good balance between respect and consideration for others viewpoint, and the ability to argue fairly. My communication anxiety was in the low level- showing I am comfortable communicating in most situations.

My co-worker scored me the same in my listening styles and communication anxiety inventory. She also scored me me in the low range for verbal aggressiveness scale which was a more positive step than I had scored myself.

My husband scored me the same in my communication anxiety inventory. In addition, he scored me in group 2 for listening styles profile- viewing me more as "business-like" and preferring clear, to-the-point communication that outlines a plan of action. Also, the biggest difference in the evaluations between myself, co-worker and my husband- he scored me as "significant" range for the verbal aggressiveness scale-indicating I might cross the line and involve personal attacks that can be hurtful to the listener.

This was the one thing that surprised me the most. It certainly made me more aware of how I am less argumentative at work, and more so at home.

Insights I gained about communication this week- was the self-concept we have of ourselves, are not always the way others see us (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012). I admit that when I get really stressed out, my husband is the one that I typically go to to vent. He is aware that I need to let steam off, but I am now more aware of how it has made him perceive my verbal aggressiveness, and I would like to improve in that area.

Also, my co-worker commented to me that she has been amazed at how calm I remain at times when it has become very stressful in our classroom. It makes me feel good to know, she perceives me in that manner. However, many times my heart is racing and I am panicking inside, even when no one else seems to know.


O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

1 comment:

  1. This week’s assessments were incredibly interesting to me. They shed valuable light on areas that I could continue to improve and forced me to set much need goals for myself.



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Tucson, AZ, United States