Blog Entry - Week 3
February 21 near Phoenix, AZ
many of you know, I have Lupus. I was diagnosed 18 years ago. My
family and I will be walking (I will try anyway, I may be wheeling most
of it in my chair, but I'll be there!) in the Walk to End Lupus event in
Scottsdale on April 27th. Please come out and walk with me or donate
to my team. I have seen first hand the advances in research and
medications so I know just how important the money raised is. I am
fortunate to be taking a new medication, the first in over 50 years
specifically targeting Lupus and not just treating symptoms. It has
worked miraculously for me and slowly but surely I am seeing my old life
come back. I can walk again, even longer distances (walked all of
Fry's for the 1st time in 2 years!) I can do yoga again. My hair is
not falling out anymore, in fact it's thick and soft!! No hives, even
in the sun. No sudden fatigue. And so much more. Eventually I hope
all of the inflammation will be gone too.
So please join me for a very personal cause!!! And thank you to everyone for all of the support you've given me over the years, it makes more of a difference than you can imagine!!
So please join me for a very personal cause!!! And thank you to everyone for all of the support you've given me over the years, it makes more of a difference than you can imagine!!

Photo of my cousin Michelle and her daughter visiting colleges last week. Michelle was able to drive her daughter up to Northern Arizona University from Phoenix (4 hours). This would have been impossible up until recently.
The information above was posted by my cousin, Michelle on her Facebook page recently. Due to research and a new medication, she is finally gaining back some of the movement she has not had in many years. As part of her family, we are super excited about these improvements. The new medication Michelle is taking, is still in the "testing" phase. However, the improvements in her mobility have been great. Yes, there have been minimal side-effects, however these side-effects are worth it to my cousin. After several years of having little mobility, she is know driving again, walking short distances and gaining back her old life.
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