My Personal Birthing Experience.......
After seven years of trying to get pregnant, my husband and I went through IVF (invitro-fertilization). Our first attempt at IVF and we were pregnant! It was a scary and exciting time. By the time we were ready to deliver our baby, I was a nervous wreck. It just didn't seem like it was really going to happen and baby Rocco would really be here. It was a scheduled C-section (I've had 4 now). My husband and older daughter (who was 18 at the time) were allowed to be in the room with me. I was unable to see what was going on, but my husband gave me "play-by-play". The Doctor was happily talking about his recent fishing trip to some of the nurses. There were also a few student-nurses in the room to observe. They had asked for my permission beforehand. The anesthesiologist talked to be throughout the procedure. At one point I got very nauseated and he quickly gave me medicine to take the nausea away. Baby Rocco was out in less than 15 minutes after the start of surgery. They brought him over to me and let me touch and kiss him. He was then taken over to the scales to be weighed, rated, cleaned up etc. After my c-section I was placed in recovery for about an hour. After recovery, I was put in a private room where my extended family and friends could immediately start coming in for visitation. Baby Rocco was with me the entire 3 days I was at the hospital with the exception of a few tests that were made on him. A breast feeding specialist came in and worked with me on nursing, and the nurses gave me round-the-clock care. It was a pleasant experience. We have since had two more babies, one through IVF and one just happened! BIG SURPRISE & BLESSING! My children are 25,6, 4, & 2.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful recreation of your birthing experience(s)! It sounds like you have truly been blessed. Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful details.
Patty Eningowuk